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Stranice stranih i domaćih zvjezdarnica
     Zvjezdarnica Višnjan
Web site Višnjanske zvijezdarnice... Mnogo korisnih linkova
     Zagrebacka zvjezdarnica
zagrebacka zvjezdarnica / e - škola - osnove astronomije, vježbe, natjecanja (stari testovi), mogucnost postavljanja pitanja znanstvenicima
     Zvjezdarnica AD-Pitomaca
     Rijecka zvjezdarnica
Internet site Rije ke zvjezdarnice
     Crni Vrh Observatory
Stranice zvjezdarnice Crni vrh pokraj Idrije
     Astronomsko društvo
Astronomsko društvo iz Beograda, cije se aktivnosti ogledaju u radu Narodne opservatorije i Planetarijuma na Kalemegdanu, i kroz izdavanje casopisa "Vasiona".
     Astro Domes
Stranica o izradi kupola
     Worcester Park Observatory-UK
My astronomy is focused on spectroscopy - breaking starlight down by wavelength to decode the secrets in a field revolutionized by CCDs.
     Washburn Observatory
Washburn Observatory, completed in 1881, was a major research facility for about 50 years. Now, it is used primarily by the public duringopen houses and by students in the Introductory Astronomy courses.
     Uppsala Astronomical Observatory
The UAO is a division of the Department of Astronomy and Space Physics at the Uppsala University.
     University of Chicago, Yerkes Observatory
Yerkes Observatory is a research branch of the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics of the University of Chicago.
     Sonoma State University Observatory
The Sonoma State University Observatory was dedicated in the spring of 1976 to support instruction in astronomy and to provide research opportunities for students and faculty.
     Poznan Astronomical Observatory
Observatory includes undergraduate and postgraduate studies in astronomy as well as introductory lectures for students of geography and physics
     Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino
Stranice zvjezdarnice u Torinu
     Najveca Zvjezdarnica u Italiji
Zvjezdarnica Asiago, najveca talijanska zvjezdarnica s dva teleskopa ciji je promjer veci od metra.
     Keele Observatory
Keele Observatory is a unique collaboration between the amateur astronomers of Keele AstroSoc, and members of the University's Astrophysics Group.
     Keck Observatory at PLU
Astrometric observations of asteroids is the principal research activity of the observatory.
Najpoznatiji radio observatory.